Hello everyone,
If you haven't heard by now or follow our social media, we have won Best of State 2024! This is a monumental award for us, especially since it was a goal to win during the Year of the Dragon. We've also been selected as one of Top 3 Martial Art Schools for Best of SLC 2024 - winners are announced during the ceremony later this month. Special thanks to everyone involved with making our school an award-winning academy.
For this month, the following classes will be focusing on:
Morning Taiji: TBD
We are close to getting the minimum amount of students, and we're looking to restart classes, best case scenario, within a few weeks. Stand-by~
Evening Taiji: Taiji 13
Beginner Gongfu: Kicks & reviewing
Kid's Gongfu: Review month/Utah Asian Fest
Advanced Gongfu: Dragon dance training for Utah Asian Fest - UAF will be held on June 8th, 2024.
我永不言弃 - Wǒ yǒng bù yán qì (I will never give up)
I've told students many times in the past that this is probably my favorite part of our creed. It exemplifies everything expected from the strength of someone who studies martial arts, and that's the art of never giving up.
The biggest defining moments in my life are all times when I've failed, and I either had a choice to adapt, understand why things are happening, get back up stronger & try again, or ultimately take the failure. Very much in real world scenarios in fights, we can either get back up and fight, or we can cower and take defeat, possibly losing your life. By now, students know what I expect out of them, and ultimately what they should expect of themselves.
One small example of this happening was my time during boot-camp in the Marine Corps. I was only 19-years-old, barely graduated high-school, and thrown into pure chaos. For those who don't know, the instructors of Marine Corps boot-camp (called Drill Instructors) are very much the energy you see in movies such as Full Metal Jacket. Their job is to break you down and weed out those who can't hack the stresses of war. You're not a Marine yet until you graduate, and until then, you don't even have a name and can't say the words I, Me or Myself. Your name is "Recruit." Having to speak in third-person and say, "This recruit requests permission to use the head (restroom)" just to get "No - get out of my @#%$#! face" is just one of hundreds of things that will drive you crazy.
During the second month of training, because of my little leadership skills I was made to be 1 of 4 Squad Leaders, specifically of 4th Squad. It was swim qualification week... and I was terrified. You'd think someone joining the services that has the word "Marine" would be a good swimmer, but that was definitely not the case for me (I joined for many reasons, from serving my country, to paying for college, to getting that sweet Marine Corps sword). I was a horrible swimmer, traumatized by drowning as a child trying to learn how to swim. I couldn't swim laps much less not panic every time in the water. Not learning how to swim came back to haunt me as everyone in our platoon/company was tested on their swimming skills.
It's no surprise that I didn't pass basic swim qualification. Not only did I not pass, I was one of 3 people in the entire company that didn't pass. Being a 4th Squad Leader, the Drill Instructors definitely took advantage of the situation to embarrass me and get me to quit, harassing me and forcing me to clean the restrooms since I didn't pass. That night I felt sorry for myself and went to sleep in a panic of "I'll never be able to pass." After lights went out, there was a rustling of recruits getting out of their beds. They all had to be quiet or feel the wrath of a Drill Instructor coming over to punish those who aren't sleeping. They all came to my rack and got my confidence back up with, "Don't give up. You got this far - you got this!" and various pieces of advices of how to swim. They reminded me that I had to dig in and not quit. They didn't give up on me, and I couldn't give up on myself. Marines truly don't leave anyone behind.
For the next week, I was separated from everyone else with 2 other recruits. I was given a specific instructor who specialized in swimming. By the end of the week, I was able to overcome my fear of drowning, pass swim qualification, and shove it in the Drill Instructor's faces that they couldn't get rid of me. Not only that, I was able to learn additional swimming skills to be able to take on the Martial Art Instructor Course later on (you need much more than basic water skills due to having to swim with weapons and fighting under water). It was one of many defining moments in my life.
Many times in our lives we're pushed into a corner that will define us, depending how we react. Not giving up gives us the strength to challenge anything else life can throw at us. Whether it's failing a test, being down from an injury, not making the cut on a sports team or school play, dealing with a breakup, or even our school adjusting to what was needed to make us a better martial arts studio, growing stronger from those challenges & knowing that your gongfu (hard work) will permeate everything in life, and when you have the strength to persist, you'll be able to help others as well.
Remember Shifu/Shimu/Disciples authority in the guǎn. It it's not your place to argue to anyone of authority in the school. While all of staff are more than happy to listen, understand, apologize when needed and address issues, please remember their authority is absolute and arguing with any staff will result in termination.
